The Thailand Economics Olympiad 2024 will have three rounds in total.
Round 1: (2 June, 1:00-2:00 PM) Administered via Zoom. 30 multiple-choice questions. The top 30 finishers will move on to Round 2.
Round 2: (9 June, 1:00-2:30 PM) Administered via Zoom. 4 questions, including calculations and or short essay responses. The contestants with the top 10 combined scores from R1 and R2 will move on to Round 3.
Round 3: (16 June, 12:00-5:00 PM) Business case competition. Contestants will have five hours to prepare a short presentation and record themselves delivering it, then submit it to the judges.
The 5 contestants with the top combined scores will be invited to join the Thailand Team for the 2024 International Economics Olympiad!
Test Format
The test will cover concepts that are generally taught in the AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics courses. Knowledge of algebra will be sufficient for completing calculation questions, knowledge of calculus will not be needed.
How to Prepare
An introductory economics textbook covering microeconomics and macroeconomics should be fine to help you prepare. If you don’t have one already, you can access the following free resources: