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Frequently Asked Questions about the Thailand Economics Olympiad

1. When is the Thailand National exam date? What will be tested on the exam?

      Please see the Resources page for more information.

2When is the International Economics Olympiad Exam date?

     The International Economics Olympiad will be held from June 2 to June 16, 2024. The competition will include a few different events throughout the week, mostly during the evenings in Thailand. Participants will need to ensure that they are available for all required events during the week.

3. What is the age limit for the competition?

     Contestants must be under 20 years old on 30 June, 2024, and must be working toward receiving a high-school diploma or similar degree on 1 December, 2023. This means that high school seniors who are graduating this year are eligible to participate.

4. Is there any charge for entering the competition?

      The test fee is 350 baht, which includes three rounds of the exam.Test fee can be waived if participants provide their parents' salary pay slips, which indicate a monthly income below 50,000 baht each.

5. What will be the structure of the exam? and How should I prepare for the exam?

     Please check the Resources section in the website. 

6. When should I get access to the exam webinar?

     You should get a link about 1-2 days before the exam

7. How should I prepare myself on the exam date?

     You’ll need all of the following materials on the exam day:
     - Computer with internet connection and webcam
     - Smartphone with internet connection and webcam, 

with Zoom installed
     - Around 10 sheets of blank A4 paper or notebook paper
     - Pencils and erasers


     We will send full details of procedures on test day to registered participants by email, approximately 2 weeks before the test date.

8. How will the Thailand Team prepare for the International Economics Olympiad?

   The Thailand Economics Olympiad organizing committee will arrange online preparation lessons for the team selected for the International Economics Olympiad. These lessons will be held during July. The team will decide on a suitable schedule, but plan on meeting for around 4 hours per week online during July. 

9. What are the awards for the top students in the Thailand Economics Olympiad?


     The students with the top 5 scores will earn certificates of achievement and will earn a place on the Thailand Team for the International Economics Olympiad

10. What are the awards for earning a top place in the International Economics Olympiad?


     IEO Certificate for all participants

     IEO Medals for best-performing contestants 

     IEO Team Trophies for winning teams

     IEO medalists get an opportunity to apply for the double degree programme of HSE University and London School of Economics with discount. Here is the information about this programme:

If you have any questions or concerns about the matter above, please do not hesitate to email

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